My Peaceful Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve, many Christians went to church to commemorate the birth of Christ. Although I don’t practice any religions, but somehow I always feel I have been protected by someone high up. It’s a feeling hard-to-explain, very magical. On Christmas Eve, I thank my eternal spirit guide for being my emotional armour.  I wish everyday in my life is as peaceful as today!

The church I passby everyday

The decorated gazebo in front of our house welcomes the arrival of Santa Claus.

On Christmas Eve, The theme of table decoration is blessing and best wishes.

Wish everybody healthy, happy and peaceful everyday.

Give prosperity to everyone.

The main course for the dinner is the roasted beef, the beef from the slaughtered bull in the stock market. Haha.

Shrimp soup


Life is simple, we had a very simple, but very peaceful Christmas Eve.


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