Laugh Library -1

Welcome to Laugh Library, your ultimate source for a dose of daily laughter and endless amusement. Our digital shelves are stocked with an extensive collection of witty anecdotes, hilarious tales, and side-splitting humor, all curated for your amusement. Whether you’re in need of a quick chuckle or a hearty guffaw, you’ll find a treasure trove of comedic content in our virtual library. So, grab a comfortable chair, browse our shelves, and let the giggles begin!


A puppy’s tail acts as an antenna,

broadcasting signals of joy and delight.



My life is as full and satisfying as my belly!



I’m as broke as a joke, who am I afraid of

我是穷人, 我怕谁?


What’s the point of comparing oneself to being so low?



I’ve passed through a rain of arrows unscathed, not a single one stuck to me.
