Laugh Library -3

Welcome to Laugh Library, your ultimate source for a dose of daily laughter and endless amusement. Our digital shelves are stocked with an extensive collection of witty anecdotes, hilarious tales, and side-splitting humour, all curated for your amusement.


Why did the happy grape refuse to wrinkle?

Because it knew a good laugh would keep it raisin-free!

为什么快乐的葡萄不肯起皱? 因为它知道,只要笑一笑,它就不会是葡萄干了!


One minute on a roller coaster summarized my whole life’s experiences.



My face is the most honest autobiography.



Walking a mile in someone else’s shoes is the only way

to know if they’re a perfect fit!



Every step I take is a measure of my life.
